Friday, June 15, 2012

Restaurant Impossible- Reveal day!

Wow!! I really don’t know what other words to say! This was the most amazing experience, and it just kept getting better.

Thursday morning we got to the restaurant around 10. The crew had stayed and worked until 4 am. They got the new carpet in and built a new counter/bar area. There was still SO much that needed done at that point, we really did wonder if it would get done on time. We watched Robert yell at Tom and Taniya because the paint on the walls looked terrible and insisted that a third coat be put on ( even though they were all done painting). We spent a good bit of time ironing curtains and hanging them.


There really was a lot of sitting around and waiting, and then all of a sudden there was a ton of things to do at once. They had covered the dining room floor with glue-down carpet squares the night before, and then covered it with big sheets of purple paper so people could walk on it. Around 3:00 on Thursday (3 hours before reveal time) they took all the paper off and realized that big chunks of the paper had stuck and dried to the glue and there was purple stripes all over the carpet! So then it was craziness as we all grabbed cleaner and rags and tried to scrape it up!

The final results really turned out nice. Taniya wanted to keep a little bit of a "country" feel to it, but with some modern touches and that’s what it feels like. With a $10,000 budget there were a lot of things that could have been done that weren’t, they definitely pick and choose. The purple trim on the outside of the building wasn’t painted, the restrooms were left the same, and a separate dining room was not touched, but the main dining room is definitely completely transformed. If you look closely you can see all the flowered panels that we wall papered!
We got to watch them film the outside scenes of the reveal, and then we were able to get in to eat around 10:30. Robert was walking around talking to customers and being filmed the whole time and I finally had him sign the plates Caitlin had painted. We had fried bacon as an appetizer, and Sirloin steak that was really good. Michele used to do all the cooking, but a big part of the show was having three new chefs competing for a job there. Michele came over and seemed so happy ( and relieved to have it all done!) They said editing will take a couple months, so it should air in August or September. 

I have learned so much and have had such a good time!  This was such an amazing experience and I'm so glad that I was able to be a part of it :)

1 comment:

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

I just watched this episode, and seeing the behind the scenes here is really cool! Thank you!